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Showing posts from August, 2023

Action to Improve India as a Super Power

 Group 9 22-UHT-001, 3,7,9,10,39 According to the 'World Population Review 2021,' the powerful country in the world is the United States, followed by China, Russia, Germany, and the United Kingdom. The survey ranks 80 countries on the basis of five criteria: international and military alliances, political and economic influence, and leadership skills. The US tops the list with a massive GDP of $21 trillion. Meanwhile, China has a GDP of $14 trillion. Despite being defended by US Biden Joe Biden as a 'necessary measure,' the controversial withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan after two decades of war, the country is being deemed as a hegemon in retreat by critics. Amid the evolving Asian balance of power, India's strength lies in its strategic location. As a result, countries such as the US, Japan, and Australia are working closely with India to combat China's growing influence in the Indo-Pacific region. From 1991 to 2019, India's GDP by Purchasing Power Par